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Mind Prey

Mind Prey - John Sandford I've not been disappointed with any of the books in this series and this is no exception.

Night Prey

Night Prey - John Sandford I'm glad this book picks up more-or-less where the last left off as I was a bit disappointed with the ending of the last. This book was a fantastic read though and did a great job keeping me interested and in suspense.

Pride and Prejudice (Modern Library Classics)

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, Anna Quindlen Have to say, glad I wasn't assigned this in high school as I would not have liked it and may not have been willing to read it now. That having been said, it's a definite change from the criminal fiction I've been reading and I'm glad I took the time to finally read it.

Winter Prey

Winter Prey - John Sandford Kind of surprised with the ending, but otherwise, this book contained the suspense and fast-moving plot I've come to expect from Sandford's writing.

Silent Prey

Silent Prey - John Sandford Another awesome read with the suspense and nail biting action I've come to expect from this series. I would caution readers, however, that this book picks up where the last one ends and as such, the story will make much more sense if you've read the last book. Personally I like that the author doesn't spend pages and pages retelling character histories and such, but it does make it a bit more challenging to jump into this series in the middle.

Eyes of Prey

Eyes of Prey - John Sandford Another amazing read witha n extremely suspenseful plot I've come to expect from this series. Without giving anything away, I will say that this book, more than any other in the series thus far, leaves me super eager to begin the next one. In fact, as soon as I submit this review, that's just what I'm going to do. :)

Shadow Prey

Shadow Prey - John Sandford I know this is only the second book, but my enthusiasm for the series remains unwavering. If you like crime fiction, this second in the series is definitely worth a read.

Rules of Prey (Lucas Davenport, No. 1)

Rules Of Prey - John Sandford Truly one of the most suspenseful crime fiction books I've read in ages, this one is filled with twists and turns that are guaranteed to make you want to keep reading more. Unlike many crime fiction stories, this one did not contain a great deal of foreshadowing, I really hate knowing where a plot is going and with this one, I truly didn't. Pure awesome, right down to the last word, literally.

Double Dexter: A Novel

Double Dexter - Jeff Lindsay Very fast-paced and suspenseful, this book didn't hold my attention quite as much as the last one in this series, but was still an incredibly great read. I'm not sure if the author has any plans to continue the series, but I really hope he does as crazy as these books are, I like the writing style and suspenseful plots.

Dexter Is Delicious

Dexter Is Delicious - Jeff Lindsay A book I couldn't put down, this one kept me up an entire night with its fast-moving plot, constant suspense and unexpected twists and turns.

Dexter by Design

Dexter by Design - Jeff Lindsay Although still disturbing, I'm pleased to see that this book gets on track with the rest of the series, glad I didn't give up after the last one. Definitely suspenseful, this book was hard to put down and leaves me wondering what'll happen next.

Dexter in the Dark: A Novel

Dexter in the Dark - Jeff Lindsay Much as I liked the first books, this one veered unexpectedly into some rather strange areas leaving me a little less enthusiastic about the rest of the series. To be fair, the book is definitely suspenseful with a good plot, just very different than the prior books. I'll give the next book a try and hope we get back on track.

Dearly Devoted Dexter

Dearly Devoted Dexter - Jeff Lindsay More suspenseful than the first yet with the same level of crazy I've come to expect from this series, this book definitely did not disappoint.

Darkly Dreaming Dexter

Darkly Dreaming Dexter - Jeff Lindsay When I first heard about this series, I thought wow, this sounds like the craziest thing ever -- a serial killer who, well, kills serial killers. I still think this is the craziest thing ever, but it definitely is a good read with twists and turns and a suspenseful plot. Glad I read this and am looking forward to reading more in the series.

For Whom the Bell Tolls

For Whom the Bell Tolls - Ernest Hemingway This is one of those books I read in high school. It's interesting to me that re-reading it later in life, I come away with a very different perspective. If you've read this before in high school, it might be worth reading again, I'm sure glad I did.

The Oath (Dismas Hardy, Book 8)

The Oath - John Lescroart

An absolutely fascinating book with many twists and turns, this is one but I certainly do not regret reading.