23 Following


Veronica Roth
January 2014
currently reading
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started reading:
January 2014
reviewed: Buried Secrets (Nick Heller Novels)
I definitely hope more books will be coming in this series, very suspenseful, a fantastic read.
Buried Secrets (Nick Heller Novels) - Joseph Finder
finished reading:
January 2014
finished reading:
December 2013
reviewed: Vanished
Definitely the most suspenseful book I've read in a long while, this is a "must read" if you love action packed thrillers in ...
Vanished - Joseph Finder
finished reading:
November 2013
reviewed: The Bat
A little different than the style I'm used to, but I really like it. Definitely going to read more in the series.
The Bat - Jo Nesbo
finished reading:
November 2013
reviewed: And the Mountains Echoed: a novel by the bestselling author of The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns
Absolutely wonderful book, vivid descriptions of culture and life in Afghanistan, highly recommend.
And the Mountains Echoed - Khaled Hosseini
reviewed: Dexter's Final Cut: A Novel
I keep hearing that this is the final book in the series and I just hope this won't be the case. An absolutely riveting book...
Dexter's Final Cut  - Jeff Lindsay
reviewed: Ender's Game (Ender, Book 1)
it's funny, when I mentioned to my son that I was reading this book, he said that it was a knock-off of "The Hunger Games." ...
Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
reviewed: Sycamore Row
An absolutely wonderful Grisham book that certainly did not disappoint. Although not required, this book references Grisham'...
Sycamore Row - John Grisham
finished reading:
finished reading:
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finished reading:
June 2013
reviewed: Inside SEAL Team Six: My Life and Missions with America's Elite Warriors
An absolutely amazing first-hand account of life as a navy SEAL. So much of what we know of the SEALs comes from Hollywood, ...
Inside SEAL Team Six: My Life and Missions with America's Elite Warriors - Don Mann
finished reading:
June 2013
reviewed: The Ask
A great satire on life, but wow is it ever dark at some points. Still, it definitely got more than a few chuckles.
The Ask - Sam Lipsyte
finished reading:
May 2013
reviewed: Invisible Prey
Yes, the series definitely seems to be back on track.
Invisible Prey - John Sandford
finished reading:
May 2013
reviewed: Broken Prey
Finally, this series is seeming to get back on track.
Broken Prey - John Sandford
finished reading:
May 2013
reviewed: Hidden Prey (Lucas Davenport, No. 15)
Espionage? Spy rings? The book is OK, but the series is not going in a direction that I expected. Wish the main character w...
Hidden Prey (Lucas Davenport, No. 15) - John Sandford
finished reading: